Margaret Ambridge
Margaret Ambridge combines the power of drawing with a passionate interest in humanity and arts, using the capacity of art to influence and connect with individuals. Winner of the 2020 Pro Hart Outback Art Prize, the 2020 Alice Prize’s People Choice, 9th Prospect Portrait Prize 2017, finalist in many major art prizes, including the Dobell, Blake, Glover, Waterhouse, Muswellbrook, Alice Prize, Outback Prize and Fleurieu art prizes, and an invited artist to the Kedumba drawing award, her work is held in public and private national, and international art collections.
Margaret is concerned with the intensely personal aspects of life – the subjects and experiences most often avoided or ignored. Her work explores the implications and experiences associated with age at both ends of life; the strictures of love and relationships, of sexual identity and of the social taboos we live by, often unconsciously and unchallenged. Margaret’s art practice is defined by the opportunity it provides to broach social taboos and engage with humanity personally, directly and deeply.